Take a whole-body approach to weight loss

A weight loss journey starts with a happy headspace, and not at the scale. Focusing on inner body health - not calorie counting - is the only way to a healthy body. 

The number on the scale doesn’t define you

Poor gut health, inflammation and hormone imbalances is the recipe for weight that ‘just won’t budge’. It’s time to see weight gain as a symptom of what’s happening on the inside. 

My Approach to Weight Loss

Calorie counting is a no-go in my books. In my personal opinion, it’s never proven to be sustainable or helpful. Weight management is far more than just calories-in minus calories-out. If it were, we’d all be the same size. 

A holistic approach to weight loss starts with your headspace, considers your unique makeup, then addresses cell-deep imbalances in your body, and only ends at the scale. Never the other way around. 

Possible Causes of Weight Loss Resistance

  • It all starts with the gut. It’s the foundation for a healthy weight.

    Your gut is like the first domino. If your gut goes down; then your hormones, inflammation levels and food choices will get knocked too.

  • In my opinion: your headspace is as, if not more, important than the food on your plate. Anxiety can raise stress hormones, like cortisol, which is a fat-storage hormone. Let’s get your mindset on board so that we can set your body up for success.

    Food was created to be enjoyed. Let’s use food as medicine, yet make room for balance - it’s all about finding that sweet spot.

  • An inflamed body, otherwise nicknamed as a ‘body on fire’, can put your body into a fat-storage mode. Let’s look for the causes of your whole-body inflammation together, and put that ‘fire’ out.

  • A common root cause, and not one to be missed. You don’t have to be a diabetic to sit with poor blood sugar control. Erratic blood sugar levels can raise cortisol and insulin levels. Insulin is the culprit for that resistant belly fat, especially in peri-menopausal and menopausal women.

  • A well-functioning thyroid is essential to a healthy metabolism. Sitting at a borderline thyroid function - or just meeting the ‘normal’ lab levels - just won’t cut it. We need optimal thyroid function, and certain nutrients are non-negotiable to get you there.

  • With genetic testing, we can go cell-deep. If you’re a poor detoxifier, and we’re not giving your body nutrients to ‘switch on’ cellular detox pathways, then you may be battling with weight management.

“Stephanie helped me to understand that losing weight came second to improving my health and that when my health improved, I would first feel better and losing weight and centimetres would be an added benefit. I have been following Stephanie’s meal plan closely since February 2020 and also during this unprecedented time of Covid-19.  I can proudly state that just under 3 months, I have lost 9kg’s and also dropped from a size 16 to fitting into some of my size 12 clothing. I know that most of us want a quick fix and feel that we can do it on our own, but I can honestly say that I didn’t know what I was doing and my health suffered in the process before meeting Steph.”

Previous Client

Going Beyond Calories for Weight Loss

  • 5 things to know about intermittent fasting

  • The story of genetics and nutrition

  • CGM: the best biohack of all time

Got weight loss questions? I’ve got your back.

  • At my practice, it’s to uncover the root causes of weight issues, and draw up a road map to set you up for the journey. Remember, it’s a journey.

    A dietitian’s role is to guide you, support you and encourage you along the way. Supplement recommendations, meal ideas, personalised nutritional guides, and regular check-ins are key to keep you on the path to success.

  • It’s not necessary. Our best measure of success is how you feel in your body, and whether you can fit comfortably into your favourite pair of pants again.

    However, some people are data-driven. The number on the scale keeps them motivated, and doesn’t affect headspace. In this case, regular weigh-ins can be performed.

  • Yes, an InBody Test, a non-invasive body composition analysis that provides a detailed breakdown of your body’s internal tissues, including your body fat, is on offer at my practice.

If you’re struggling with any of these; chat with a dietician to find a supportive, wholistic approach to weight loss.

Still have questions?