What’s in the word FESTIVE? Here’s your guide to a healthy holiday season.

Festive Season Eeating

I’m a firm believer of the 80/20 rule - 80% clean living & 20% indulgence. Learn how to live out the 80/20 tactic this holiday. It’s time to get FESTIVE!

Festive drinking guide.

F - Figure out your holiday-proof plan 

 Firstly: NEVER shop hungry this season. Hunger causes us to deviate from our shopping list & tempts us to fall for the treats in the teller’s aisle. Keep to the shopping list to ensure that your fridge is always stocked with whole, real food. 

Fix a veggie dish & offer to take it to the next gathering that you’re invited to. This way, you know that there will always be a healthy option on the table. 

Feed yourself before attending the next party - arriving at a get-together ravenous & then sipping on a glass of bubbles will inevitably give you the dreaded ‘munchies’. There’s no need to have a whole meal before leaving home, but a healthy snack can go a long way to keep the ‘munchies’ at bay. 

E - Enjoy clean drinking 

Ensure that you stay hydrated. Drink a glass of water between each alcoholic beverage to slow down alcohol consumption and prevent the nasty hangover! Try coconut water or bone broth as a natural way to get in those electrolytes.  

Enjoy herbal teas on the reg. They’re a great way to keep ‘gut stong’. Sip on peppermint, ginger or fennel tea to further hydrate and support digestion. 

Explore Steph’s guide to clean drinking below!

Guide to 'clean' drinking.

S - Stay snack savvy 

Strategy is key when it comes to ‘finger food’-type meals. Have a snacking strategy: use a small plate, start by snacking on the veg options, and eat SLOWLY. 

 Stick to pre-prepping so that there’s always a decent snack option in your beach bag. Here are some easy, quick-fix snack options: 

1.     Some raw, unsalted nuts 

2.     A small handful of berries

3.     Snacking veg (baby tomatoes, celery, cucumber or carrots) & hummus 

4.    A seeded cracker & avocado

5.     Roasted chickpeas

T - Take time to move 

Try to get those walking (or dancing - depending on how festive you like to get) shoes on daily. 30 minutes/day is your goal. We’re holding you to it!  

Train yourself to move after each meal. Research shows that a 10-minute walk post-eating may assist in lowering blood sugar levels effectively. It will prevent you from hitting the ‘food coma’ state (which we all know too well).  

- Incorporate mindful eating 

Infiltrate mindfulness into your eating routine. It takes your brain approximately 20 minutes to signal to your body that you’re full. Eat, wait… & then decide on a second helping. Instill gratitude into your thinking. Holiday meals are the perfect time to stop & give thanks for rest, fun, and family & friends. 

V - Vouch for veggies, no matter what  

Vow to get in adequate veg. If there is one thing to take away from this: aim to eat 3 handfuls of dark, green leafys daily. Verge on the side of too much veg, rather than too little. Ensure 50% of every main meal consists of non-starchy vegetables. 

 E - Eat what you LOVE!

Emit the guilt - give it no room to hinder your enjoyment. Choose your fave dessert & enjoy it in moderation. Make your 20% truly count! 


‘Leaky Gut’ - the term of 2020